This was 1977 inside the Chambeeli at Hotel Intercontinental, now Dhaka Sheraton, and we are sitting on what was the fixed stage for our daily performances.Pearo and Babu were back from Singapore and we were very proud with the equipments they got back. Babu a proper Roland 60 watts Bass amp and Pearo the shiny plexiglass Tama drums that you see in the background. Notice our dress , the SNF (Saturday Night FEVER) was rage and we dressed like John (Revolting) Travolta. Loose shirts, tight pants and pointed shoes and boots.Pearo was happy with tee shirts and slip ons because his legs had to take the drumming battering every night and he sweated the most after me!Left to Right : Selim Haider (Lead and Rythm Guitar) Foad Nasser Babu (Keyboard, Vocals and Band Leader), Pearo Khan (Drums) Self (Vocals and Percussions), Murad Rahman (Bass and band's "fashion pointman")
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